Event Logo Image
Farm to Table(aux)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Exclusive Presenting Hope Sponsor (16 included) $0.00

Allows 14 students to receive school-based, mental health therapeutic services for an entire school year.

  • A $25,000 tax deductible investment in STARS
  • Exclusive recognition as presenting sponsor with name or logo incorporated in Farm to Table(aux) event branding
  • Logo placement in ALL event public relations and advertising initiatives, press releases, and event collateral including programs, and signage, invitations and save the dates
  • Prominent recognition on event website, e-blasts, and social networking campaigns (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram) reaching STARS followers
  • Link to your company website from the STARS and FTT websites
  • Welcome remarks from company representative
  • On-stage verbal recognition during the seated meal and prominent signage at the event
  • First right of refusal for presenting sponsor of the 2024 FTT Event
  • Two prominent tables with seating for 16 guests

Health Sponsor (8 included) $0.00

Allows 30 students to receive individual counseling services.

  • A $10,000 tax deductible investment in STARS
  • On-stage verbal recognition during the seated program and prominent signage at the event
  • Opportunity to promote business with product placement at event
  • Name-inclusion in the event program and invitations when secured 30 days prior to event
  • Opportunity to place a premier item in lagniappe bag (event appropriate items only)
  • Prominent table seating for 8 guests

Connection Sponsor (6 included) $0.00

Allows 22 students to receive individual or group counseling services for a school year.

  • A $7,500 tax deductible investment in STARS
  • On-stage verbal recognition during the seated program and prominent signage at the event OR Opportunity to promote business with product placement at event
  • Name-inclusion in the event program and invitations when secured 30 days prior to event
  • Opportunity to place a premier item in lagniappe bag (event appropriate items only)
  • Prominent table seating for 6 guests

Compassion Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Allows 15 students to receive individual or group counseling services for a school year.

  • A $5,000 tax deductible investment in STARS
  • Opportunity to place a premier item in lagniappe bag (event-appropriate items only)
  • Name-inclusion in the event program and invitations when secured 30 days prior to event
  • Table seating for 4 guests

Community Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

Allows a STARS Counselor to respond to 16 serious mental health crises.

  • A $2,500 tax deductible investment in STARS
  • Opportunity to place a premier item in lagniappe bag (event-appropriate items only)
  • Name-inclusion in the event program and invitations when secured 30 days prior to event
  • Table seating for 2 guests

Table(aux) Vivant (4 included) $0.00

Celebrate the theme of the evening by sponsoring one of our unique table(aux)s that will keep our guests entertained and on their toes during the Soiree portion of the evening. One of the most unique and highly anticipated components of the event, your logo will be sure to stand out alongside this art come to life. Benefits Include: Your logo will be displayed on signage next to your sponsored Table(aux)! Logo will also be included on event splash page, pre-event eblasts, social media, print program and event day slideshow + 4 VIP Tickets.

Glass Sponsor - RHINESTONE SIPPY CUP (4 included) $0.00

Strike a Pose - NASHVILLE LOOKS GOOD ON YOU (4 included) $0.00

Get excited as guests “Strike a Pose” in front of a fabulous backdrop that has your logo on it. Your logo will receive exposure during the event, but will continue to live on once the photos are posted, liked, and shared on social media! Benefits Include: Logo on photo opportunity backdrop + 4 VIP Tickets.

SPONSORSHIP Mystere Box Raffle - GRAND OLE MYSTERY (4 included) $0.00

A hundred tickets for sale, and only 1 will hold the winning match to an amazing mystery item that’s held in the Mystere box display! The Mystere Box raffle always features a fabulous prize (or prizes) that everyone will want! This is your chance to have your brand featured at the Mystere Box and to be a part of the fun onstage as the box is opened and winner announced! Benefits Include: Opportunity for sponsor representative to go onstage with emcee or charity representative to reveal Mystere Box contents and draw/select then announce winner! Signage, e-blasts + 4 VIP Tickets.

Artisan Cocktail Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

This cocktail station will be the artistic alcoholic creation of the evening that all guests will enjoy! Be the brand they see as they experience these fabulous sips. Benefits include: Logo represented at the cocktail station, e-blasts, + 2 VIP Tickets.

Lagniappe Sponsor - GOODIE GOO-GOO (2 included) $0.00

Every guest loves going home with an extra something at the conclusion of an event and your sponsorship will help make this happen. Each guest will receive a lagniappe bag or box with your logo represented on it that they take home with them at the conclusion of the event! Benefits include: Logo will be placed on one side of a high-quality tote bag or box, event signage, eblasts, + 2 VIP Tickets.

Hydration Station $0.00

Help our attendees stay hydrated as they enjoy a fabulous evening. With art, food, and cocktails tantalizing the senses, water is a must! Benefits Include: Logo recognition + 1 GA ticket.

Registration opens: Saturday, June 1, 2024
Registration closes: Tuesday, October 29, 2024

I would like to make a donation

I authorize STARS Nashville to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Farm to Table(aux). Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.